Controversy and Acceptance

Controversy and Acceptance

From the Desk of the Chairperson

I am not happy or exhilarated because of this Chair – a responsibility thrust upon me by my associates and colleagues to initiate a people-to-people, person-to-person dialogue worldwide, of what needs priority attention from the emerging, evolving privileged university fraternity and intelligentsia vis-à-vis the world’s most vulnerable populations who number around 1.2 billion.

The challenges are well elaborated, enumerated and listed but what we need are workable solutions – concise and precise – ready for immediate application and correction

I would also like to clarify, the motivation these days is centered on monetary gains and hence solutions are subjected to lengthy debate to establish individual points of view and superiority without establishing merit.

What we need is workable, applicable solutions open to correction but closed to contentious, intimidating debate.

Giant Strides

I have been a strong proponent of the tremendous progress India has made in the past 75 years.

Scholarship from India is making its presence felt worldwide with Indians holding positions of international ramifications in foreign lands

India is blessed with the Metro Services which reduces travel time to 1/3rd. We are flying criss-cross across the country with air services and flight connections reduced to a few minutes for people with an organised travel schedule. National highways have been improved to the level where a 5 hour journey is reduced to two. Bullet trains have been introduced bringing relevant metropolitan cities accessible within a matter of hours.

Internet services provide immediate, instant connections worldwide beyond imagination. Cars are fully computerized and computer compatible with every form of connectivity at your fingertips. Owning a Rolls Royce Phantom today is very commonplace in India quite unimaginable a decade back. Today, the maximum number of luxury cars like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Maserati’s sell in India more than in any other part of the world – without certain very high levels of merit such a high profile market would not exist.

We are a formidable military power in South-east Asia

However, even after enumerating the tremendous progress science, society and theology have achieved, I am thrown off my chair by discordant cries of pain.

The number of distressed people facing pain and misery is another view of life – it is real, sometimes God given, maybe the result of human folly but, these cries of pain, sorrow, deprivation, created genocide – created horror – brings us back to our original objective – we are searching for solutions – to problems, challenges and every form of perversity and sadism already enumerated down the centuries need no highlighting – we have done so for millenniums.

What we require today are solutions, a small correction in our Flight Path

India is number three in missiles and outer space technology, the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction and electronic warfare to be feared by all. But in all these tremendous achievements an equally overflowing view of extreme poverty seems to flow over despite the evident extra zeal of the government to cover-up irrelevant issues which surface from time to time relating to people who lack working skill and are generally unemployable in the world of tomorrow.

Rising prices of essential commodities for human consumption causing immense difficulties to the lower income groups and those most vulnerable. This population, around 700 million stands excluded because not a single person is bothered, concerned or deputed to find a solution to the problem – no matter what the problem it drags India through the mire.

Our challenge lies here and now –

Introducing Dynamic Changes – NOW

What prevents us from introducing Dynamic Changes without waiting to call a meeting, call for international funding, consult people from other countries and accept working models from abroad which do not hold any meaning for us? Why are we forever looking to a foreign land – is this driven with a personal profit motive?

I firmly believe India has tremendous potential – unbeatable the world over. It is my personal experience that we Indians are respected the world over for our ability to take up back-breaking effort and work and complete it all in record time – and yet India lags behind, a nation that suffers from sky-high insecurity and inferiority complex. WHY???

We are Indians  –  YOU give us the challenge – give us what is impossible and we will deliver the impossible duly adjusted to our needs.

It is my intention to develop this website as IDEAS – International Platform – you tell us, we have the solutions and every solution is cost effective.

I invite boys and girls from all over the world regardless of your disability, religion or faith, complexion, profession, eating habits or sexual identity – what matter to us is that we promote the concept and idea of a one-world – one people with LOVE as the bond.

Leaving No-one Behind will be our guiding philosophy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Leaving No-one Behind, our Sole Objective.

Please Register with us – we do not discriminate and we will never discriminate.

The Overflowing Abundance Around us –

October 08, 2022.

From the Desk of the Chairperson

I have spent the last week – future gazing – imbibing the euphoria of Indian festivals – with an abundance of free food and much else.

I was staring at massive – gigantic figures of Ravana, Kumbhakaran and Meghnath – each one of whom had acquired through persistent prayer, penance, abstinence and sacrifice, infinite knowledge and wisdom greater power than the Gods themselves but meaningless to us because we badly needed to bolster our deflated ego; these three mythological figures were prepared for the annual jamboree to highlight victory of good over evil.

What Good and What Evil?

My thoughts switched over to our very humble, kind and peaceful Lord Rama who was a very unhappy individual all his life – driven from pillar to post not for anything he had done but for reasons quite beyond his control – he suffered every form of misery and debasement at the hands of his own people – having to prove the innocence of his own wife before the whole world, not once but twice – an act which achieved nothing and of no interest to him.

Did a single person choose to emulate Lord Rama?

We admire, adore and worship Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Rajeev Jhunjhunwala, the Adanis while in India alone we have stripped Gandhi of his basic human rights – of being allowed some basic human dignity 75 years after his death.

Where has the Money Gone?

Today India has 31 lakh non-governmental organisations {NGOs} – nearly double the number of schools in the country of which 1,51,098 NGOs are active.

Out of this number 49,859 NGOs have an FCRA account as of August 17, 2021. The Foreign currency support received over the past four years was Rs. 50,975 crores received by 16813 NGOs. What did we achieve?

It is noticeable that these organisations lack transparency and integrity because had this sum of money been put to genuine work in place of asset building India would have been a world leader without a single poor person. Of interest at this stage is that besides this foreign investment the government of India has its own development plans and programmes which have been in action through the years, which figures are astronomical yet, unseen at the ground level.

Creating an Island of Happiness – Telangana

Important achievement of this moment – a very small instance of this very moment is that of the Telangana government investment for the welfare of the Dalit families in which Rs.4000 crores has touched over 40000 families establishing each family in a successful business of her/his own with the simple act of giving cash advances of Rs.10 lakhs directly into the hands of the target beneficiaries – no intermediaries, no executing NGOs, directly from the ministry to the concerned community. A laudable achievement no one is talking about

Have we missed the mark?

Truthfully, Yes!!! We have.

If we have lied to the nation at the smallest level we have cheated our country. Through the years our leaders and bureaucrats fail outright in the delivery of their duties and responsibilities –

 .  .  .  they forget, their duties and responsibilities bind them to the welfare of the poorest of the poor – the government is not a government for the rich and affluent but, for the most vulnerable – the very basic which has been lost in the battle for MORE.

What is the oath of office for public officers and employees?

“I, (name), do swear in the name of God (or, solemnly affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and that I will faithfully discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter.”

This is an oath each one of us has mentally sworn and we have a commitment

 “.  .  .  .  I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, and that I will faithfully discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter.”

It is by our own folly and ignorance that we have dragged India, Bharat through the mire.

“we are a nation with an explosion of towering unbridled excellence as we have proved repeatedly over the years. The people of India have stood together in the worst situations of distress and shared what little we have with our countrymen. Indians abroad have shone above the whole world. Microsoft is run by an Indian. World leading politicians in other countries are of Indian origin. But India failed to respect its own hard-working citizens of merit. 

Unjustified Arrogance

Sadly, India has entered an eclipse, an eclipse of a small minority of self-serving people driven by their own folly, greed and interests who dare to stand before the sun – our prime focus is to be rid of this self-serving, non-productive affluent population.

We err in believing that our national prosperity and stature depends on these individuals and their ability to create jobs – employment. We have been transformed into a nation of gig workers which, we are not.

Bharat or India is not a country of beggars – we are a proud nation who took the British Police head-on. Our addictions have blurred that.

The data given in the first part of this message is simply to highlight this basic fact – give the people of India the freedom to work, freedom from being exposed to the ‘license Raj’ and being exploited on a daily basis by inspectors of different departments who serve no purpose –

India is the only country in the world where the participation of women in the work force is 36% – in Nepal this participation is above of 90%, Bangladesh is over 65%, Pakistan is over 60%. Why is this so? Post the Covid 19 pandemic women in India who lost their jobs did not return to the workplace – girls did not return to school. WHY???

It is a mental imposition upon Indians that we need an amazon to provide gig work to India. Sorry, we do not need any such external concepts. It is an addiction – asking for everything over the Internet – mentally forcing the people and the children to navigate in a meaningless virtual world away from reality. Gadgets without any purpose, money transfers that hold no meaning – we have done all this with greater ease and comfort through the generations.

Let us get the facts straight. The most luxurious limousines were available in India freely over a 100 years ago. We had a beautiful purely Indian vehicle the Hindustan Ambassador which proved the indomitable spirit of India manufactured by an Indian industrialist the Birlas. Jamshedji Tata flew the first Air India flight from Bombay to Karachi with his own Lady Secretary as the Stewardess – Ha!!!

The achievements of Indians will run into a million pages. Girls from India 200 years ago practiced medicine under attack in the wars.

I have reason to believe we Indians are the greatest – the sad part is that we are ruined –  ignorance and vice rule supreme. We are a captive audience to our cellular phones.

Addicts are addicts because they have lost their sense of self-respect and self-esteem.

The choice is our – that is what assistanceincorporated is all about