Relevance of Animation films in communication at the grass roots level.

Relevance of Animation films in communication at the grass roots level.

This is a short animation film developed by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Government of
Rajasthan in collaboration with UNICEF.

This film communicates the basic purpose of Panchayati Raj at the grass root level and
explains threadbare the concept of sustainable development goals (SDG). It unites every
individual without barriers of man-created discrimination of any kind what-so-ever. The
coverage includes stakeholders, and builds awareness concerning the benefits of achieving
SDG conforming to the GPDP (Gram Panchayat Development Plan) in a 100%
participatory manner. with visible, assessable involvement of every villagers with no
restriction of age, cast or positioning in the village.

Baal Panchayats and Mahila Panchayats are very receptive to such programmes being
the most excluded segments and easily understand their roles and the steps that lead to a
successful GPDP development.

Communication in the animation format is very easily acceptable and understood by women,
children and the excluded segments with poor literacy levels and remains our main
communication vehicle to ensure awareness – Awareness Empowers..

. . . . and a word from the Curator

Why is it that India has a vast population of people who have been cast by the wayside,
brushed under the carpet, ignored and left without a word.

Government policies for the most vulnerable segments are framed in the Hindi language or
languages of prominence in the most chaste, academic style meant for the most learned and
acceptable to them. What we fail to understand that such communication holds no meaning
for those who are classified a s the most excluded segments in government circles.

We are today working with languages and interpretations, visuals in the simplest form –
animation. Animation films are easy to understand even if the person is of slow learning,
illiterate, women, children of all age groups – and that is the purpose of all development
communication – leaving no one behind in our fight to include everyone in our building
awareness programmes because AWARENESS EMPOWERS – is the most positive way to
ensure behaviour change and behaviour change leads to a different thought process and
improved body language – all very necessary for a progressive society with each member –
a committed member.
