The Moot question – HOW?
Social Justice – a lost cause
We at ASJ confront a disaster area termed ‘TRUST’. Our belief, our faith in each
other, in society and its institutions has been totally shattered of our own mis-doings,
of our own choice. It is the concerted effort of each one of us to secure benefits for
ourselves at the cost of the rest benefits no one.
A self-serving style of living benefits no one, not even ourselves – addiction has no
cure till we acknowledge our dependency on a virtual world – an exploitative thought
process that creates loneliness, emptiness, unhappiness, a vacuum that cocoons us
Computer generated images, thoughts, visions, are virtual – lifeless. What ASJ
highlights is our urgent need to culture and sustain life.
ASJ Leads from the front
ASJ is a club of individuals, senior retired professionals with workable solutions. A
team of experienced fighters who have worked all their lives facing a paucity of funds
when all authorities were fund flushed. Every workshop we conducted, our sessions
discussed survival of the organisation when the funds were exhausted? Every time
the conclusions pointed to the genius and capability of individual human beings to
regroup, revitalise, regenerate the social environment of mutual care, sharing and
most important of all, talking to each other beyond a cellular phone.
Grandparents have always been anchors to entire families and their branches. It is
their human contributions, no money, that hold families together for generations.
Money, like sex, drugs and alcohol works to destroy established social systems,
promises, dreams and visions of the future but nothing to clear-up the current mess
– our addiction to the virtual world.
ASJ supporting members come from the local grassroots communities comprised of
retired teachers, medical professionals, psychologists – all gems who were trampled
underfoot because they refused to conform. Individuals who delivered solutions
‘NOW’ under extreme stress and were trained to face opposition by life and the
vagaries of nature and real-life situations.
ASJ activists are here to help people who are prepared to help themselves; people
who acknowledge their need for human help and express their gratitude in terms of
active personal physical contribution and pass on the benefits to others in active
participation not words.
At ASJ handholding is the key. It works, every time – it is about personal
involvement and caring as a unified social group of human beings – we do not argue,
we do not debate.
Arguing with a fool only proves there are two.