The purpose of this programme envisaged by this team is to develop a thought provoking
educational environment accessible to children at all age levels to communicate traditional
ancient text and to question what may seem unacceptable to them, to clarify and question
what they may feel as unacceptable to them. Motivate the present generations and the youth
to study and unfold Vedic scriptures so that future generations may benefit from their study.
Vedas should be included as a part of the existing education system to share the wisdom
that has endured from ancient times. This is a knowledge bank which has never been
seriously brought into the public domain for discussion and clarity, free from social dogmas,
violence and religious compulsions. This exposure will ensure that generations will question
everything that we say or do till such time as they are satisfied with our placement of fact.
This series serves to put the facts in place in a language of clarity, openness and freedom,
the language children understand.
. . . . and a word from the Curator
With the advent of Hindutva, it is believed that the Hindu philosophy, the Hindu Religion,
the Hindu way of life and doctrines have received a much necessary push towards revival. I
will not debate or contest any statement, i am not here to start any controversy or, long-
drawn debates, the object is to put in the public domain certain ineluctable facts concerning
the thoughts, life styles and practices which have been followed by example laid down over
millenniums for all to see and experience – never any compulsion but a matter of choice
after full freedom to see and experience.
In a social environment where Hindu scriptures do not even exist in the public domain and
neither in the halls of universities and study disciplines, this subject, even if it exists it is
relegated to the back seat in regard to its importance in our daily lives, in our exchange with
our fellow humans in a systematic manner.
A systemic change is called for in introduction of a subject which is now reduced to
exploitation by people for profit.