The Choice of being Truthful or Living in a Virtual World

i have repeatedly highlighted over this website – the importance of being squeaky clean, honest – truthful. It keeps trust alive. The choice is ours.

In India our national leaders and the entire population are in a state of denial refusing to acknowledge the existing, irrecoverable, trust deficiency created by a virtual world, misrepresentation and blatant lies. Denial makes it Irrecoverable.

What leads us on this Path 

Words that promise unsustainable monetary benefits and demands blind optimism.  The system demands the people fall in line in the national interest. In the entire space of time lost and wasted effort, national interest has proved to be nothing beyond vested interests of crony capitalism who exist ‘light years’ away from anything which comes under the category of national interest.

This vast mass of vested interest has benefitted by ridicule of those who speak the truth and continue to do so at the cost of their own self esteem.

The final choice we leave to you


Beginning our Work

The focus of our work relates to Senior Citizens and people living alone who we feel, are today the most isolated and ignored segment

The foremost tragedy in the lives of senior citizens is loneliness. Empty vacuous discussions and marked under research. Nobody has the time to sit with them even for a moment nor the inclination – why should I bother?

India is home to 153 (UNFPA) million senior citizens in the age group above 60 which makes it around 10% of the total Population.

40% IN THE POOREST WEALTH QUANTILE and 1/5 have no income at all. Homecare support is widely promoted to “help senior cit9zens retain a sense of independence, receive emotional care and enhance their quality of life etc., etc.” The question remains, at what cost are these personalised services delivered and the level of satisfaction? The answer is regretfully, far from what is envisioned and projected.

What does it cost to provide home-care to a lady senior citizen who has been rendered 100% movement impaired due to wrong treatment, unable to hold anything, unable to stand – unable to do anything. She requires two attendants around the clock. And this is not an isolated instance. Traffic accidents render thousands of girls with impaired mobility who are just swept aside while the compensation is generously divided among the stakeholders.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Extreme cruelty, brutalisation and torture are a regular social activity that receives no attention in any part of the world even though it is always discussed at length and elaborate research papers duly documenting the facts and duly included in reference libraries.

As is much touted of providing emotional care feels like a mockery of the victim who is to remain unknown, faceless, alone.

The Solution

As has been already clarified, ASJ does not talk big or promote massive costs and services. Our costs and services are limited to what is affordable to the man on the street. ASJ is for people who do not find space or place in any government programme, they are as a victim of circumstances ‘house-bound’ and need help. And ASJ understands how basic and grassroots level that can be. ASJ is here for those who have no one and nothing and help devise ways to reach them and alleviate their misery and or, difficult times.  

We at ASJ have initiated a directory of Senior Citizens who are able and inclined to act as community motivators and fully document a list of experienced, retired senior citizens and people living alone both men and women, even if they have no problems. The basic idea is to keep the healthy bodied senior citizen – healthy, happy, socially active and fighting fit to handle advocacy work with government personnel and also organise correctional steps for those in distress.

Senior citizens appointed by us will for ever be an inspiration for others and act as the spirit behind the organisation. Since the beneficiaries we have targeted need support at their homes we are not currently finalised on the office space about which we shall notify all members when such an occasion will open its doors to us.

ASJ is also active in bringing together retired medical professionals to provide Geriatric care and other therapy professionals as per the needs of other members of society without any discrimination.

Our senior citizens serve as community motivators and help keep track of children of the area and help them grow-up in life as honest responsible citizens.

The proposed directory is being developed by like-minded citizens to ensure Safety to every member of society and provide educational support for children from the formative years to as long as they should wish to as a functional member of this Forum and Public Trust.

As already stated ASJ is absolutely neutral and squeaky clean in its view of society as being one – without any discrimination what-so-ever.
